MHYFVic Policies are for the implementation of Best Practice models based on best available Evidence.
These three components are cross-linked, using the numbering from the conceptual diagram above. The tabs give detailed information about each topic.
We welcome discussion about any of the topics, especially any wish to develop the information or policies. Please send your comments by email to of Mental Disorders
1. Universal Programs
1d. Reduction of Toxic Factors
2. Selective Programs
2a. Biological Factors
2b. Psychological Factors
2c. Social Factors
3. Indicated Programs
3a. Biological Factors
3b. Psychological Factors
3c. Social Factors
Treatment of Mental Disorders
4. Case Identification
5. Early Treatment
6. Standard Treatment
a. Outpatient psychotherapies, medication and procedures
Continuing Care of People with Mental Disorders
7. Engagement with Ongoing Care
8. Long-term Care
Mental Health Promotion
9. Mental Health Promotion
a. Community awareness programs
b. Agency Programs
c. Training