The MHYF Vic Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 26th August 2009 and was a most stimulating and enjoyable occasion.
The after dinner speaker, Ric Pawsey, Director of the ‘Take Two’ Program spoke about this intensive therapeutic service for child protection clients, reflecting on some of the lessons learned in the 51⁄2 years of operation, including the innovation of therapeutic care. After his presentation Ric responded to questions about the program, resulting in a very rewarding discourse on a topic of real importance to mental health.
Ric Pawsey with Vice President Jennifer Luntz and Treasurer Suzanne Robson at the AGM.
AICAFMHA Conference
Several MHYFVic members will be going to Adelaide in the very near future to contribute to the annual conference of the
Australian Infant, Child, Adoescent and family Mental Health Association, which on this occasion is being combined with the first International Conference of COPMI, the program for children of parents who have a mental illness.
IACAPAP Conference
Following the successful meetings in Melbourne and Istanbul, the International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied professions will be holding its next Conference in Beijing. One of our Committee members, Dr Suzie Dean, is a delegate of IACAPAP and will be actively involved in its organization.
A flyer for this conference is on the next page of this newsletter.
Winston Rickards Oration
The inaugural Winston Rickards Oration will be delivered by Professor Bruce Tonge on Wednesday 24th March 2010. The subject of the oration and details of the venue will be supplied in our next newsletter.
More information about the other topics mentioned above will also be provided in the newsletter.
Mental Health for the Young & their Families in Victoria is a collaborative partnership between mental health & other health professionals, service users & the general public.
PO Box 206,
Parkville, Vic 3052