About us

Research & Policy

Advocacy to policy makers requires well-researched evidence. MHYFVic therefore calls upon people who are already exploring topics of professional interest to share their findings with us and to work with us to develop proposals for improvements in mental health policy and practice.

For each topic this development process is called a “Project”. MHYFVic can host an unlimited number of projects aiming to develop proposals that we use in our submissions and meetings to argue for a better system.

Each project is an opportunity to define a problem, summarise the scientific literature, look for best-practice examples, and to propose the implementation of evidence-based, effective interventions. MHYFVic offers the contributions of other members to assist on projects (subject to your wishes), and the means to share your ideas, research and for recommendations on our website.

If you have a special interest in any aspect of child and adolescent mental health, please contact MHYFVic. These interests might extend from the universal enhancement of early childhood development through to specialist treatments of mental illness in residential settings.

MHYFVic‘s interests are broad, a reflection of our conceptual framework, which is set out in our “Principles and Policies” document.

You can write to us at MHYFVic, PO Box 206, Parkville, Vic 3052, or by email to admin@mhyfvic.org.

Our Projects Coordinator will discuss your interests with you. It may be that you would like to collaborate with others or to develop your own Project on our website. If so, please be assured that there is considerable flexibility in how such Projects are run and in what you might want displayed.

Our aim is to support your work and to make sure that the very best ideas are put forward in our advocacy. For examples of current projects see our Projects page.

Form or Join Project Groups
Be part of this group to have greater power to be heard and to change things for the better

Speak about issues that concern you such as gaps in services, things that shouldn’t have happened, or things that ought to happen but haven’t; to make a better quality of service…….
Help achieve better access to services & better co-ordination between services together we can…….

Project Groups:

Although we share a common voice with many other mental health organizations we are different because we do not limit ourselves to just one age group or issue, one professional discipline or one support base, but care about the whole spectrum of issues affecting the mental health of young people and their families

Become a Member

Please fill in the details below and agree to the conditions to apply for MHYFVic membership.